
Ghostrunner Demo Update – FPS Unlocked, FOV Slider Added

8 May, 2020

The buzz around the Ghostrunner demo has sky-rocketed! But you are even more amazing, giving us feedback and words of encouragement! We have just updated the demo with some of the most requested features to make your speedruns go even smoother.


  • Added an FOV slider
  • Added a possibility to unlock FPS (known issue: it has to be set anew with each game launch)
  • The intro can now be skipped during subsequent runs
  • Added a timer which can be toggled in Settings>Gameplay Counters
  • Added a player’s death counter—toggled in Settings>Gameplay Counters

The demo version of Ghostrunner is available on Steam from May 6 to May 13.

Current Total Player Deaths (as of May 8): 2,032,051 and still growing.
Play the demo and let us know how fast you are!

Everything about Ghostrunner: